It's almost a palindrome.
I helped out with the Transit for Livable Communities Bike Walk Fall 2009 count, tracking bicyclists and pedestrians this afternoon on the Hiawatha LRT trail a few blocks from the Metrodome. Thankfully I stayed dry while ominous clouds threatened from the west, and I had a great excuse to look at bicycles for a few hours. I'm pretty sure I saw the trucker twin that I mentioned a few weeks back.
I'll post results as soon as they're released by TLC. Also, I scored a sweet t-shirt that says "I count" on the back which I'll snap a picture of and post soon.
You're looking very official there with your clipboard. I'm trying to get in touch with the organizer to do the very same thing this week!
You do indeed count, my friend. You do, indeed, count.
How'd your count end up, Liz?
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