Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 46, 47, & 48 (October 5-9, 12-16, 19-23)


Week 46
Monday - Bicycle
Tuesday - Car (AM & PM Carpool)
Wednesday - Bicycle
Thursday - Bicycle
Friday - Car (AM & PM Carpool)

Week 47
Monday - Car
Tuesday - Car
Wednesday - Car
Thursday - Car
Friday - Bicycle

Week 48
Monday - Car
Tuesday - Car
Wednesday - Car
Thursday - Car
Friday - No commute (vacation)

I needed to get this post up to avoid hitting the once a month frequency. The bad thing about waiting three weeks to post is that I forgot anything worth sharing in the time that passed, but I since I have been out at client sites and not riding much, there hasn't been much to share. I guess more driving means more mileage checks which means more deposits to the bike fund.

To atone for my blogging sins of omission I plan on updating with a post each day for three days (starting today). This is likely an attainable goal since I'm out on vacation until Friday.

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