Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday's Commute - Early 90s Flashback Edition

Today's round trip to the office provided both morning and afternoon stimuli which sent me immediately back to the days of hyper-color t-shirts:

AM - Ace of Base lyrics splashed across a supporting pillar of my favorite underpass

PM - A pack of rollerbladers gliding down the Hiawatha trail

I logged more hours both rollerblading and listening to Ace of Base in the 90s, but I'm not certain what compels someone to risk criminal charges by announcing "All that she wants is another baby" in the public arena.

Anybody remember what you were doing in the early 90s?


Emily said...

I admit to owning the Ace of Base CD. My mom would not let me have a hypercolor t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

I still own an Ace of Base CD, and my hpyercolor t-shirt. =)

James said...

I never had either, so consider me extremely jealous.