Week 75 (April 26-30)
Sadly, I logged no bicycle commutes over the past two weeks. It was crunch time at the client I was working on, and the late nights would have made it very difficult to stay motivated to ride to and from work.
There were two bright spots in this otherwise dark stretch: I got to wear one of my favorite thrift store purchases to work on the 23rd:

If you haven't see the $5 tuxedo, the Blackberry camera really doesn't do it justice.
The other bright spot related to the results of my hypermiling endeavors, even though I was hoping for more impressive results. Overall, though, this tank was exclusively city driving, so I really can't complain with 35.6 mpg.

I'm intersted to know the occasion requiring the yellow tux! I can't imagine it was anything like the last occasion that called for it...
Let's just say it was "for the children."
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