In an attempt to make this an interactive blog, I've decided to introduce a game that any reader with a Google or Gmail ID can play: Pin the Tail on My Commute
Here's the basic premise.
A question will be posted that has to do with some sort of landmark from my commute (aka, "the tail"). I have mocked up a Google Map with my normal route, and it is open for "collaboration" so anyone can "pin the tail" on the map (click the EDIT button to open the collaborate feature) by dropping a placemark on your best guess. Simple enough? If that's not clear enough, the description section on the Google Map gives an example guess and further instruction.
The person to get closest to the spot wins a bicycle themed prize of my choosing. Disclaimer: these prizes will not be glamorous.
Here's the question:
Where in my commute would you find the area that I affectionately refer to as "Vodka Alley?"
Here's the link:
Link to Google Map
Happy hunting.
Jack Sanborn signs with the Dallas Cowboys
5 hours ago
I have registered my guess on the Internet!
okay, so is the james who guessed you? i'm confused. if you've answered, then i'm not going to guess. i'm not going to put my neck on the line like that. i have a reputation in this blogosphere and i intend to keep it.
okay. i just took a chill pill. the game still on?
The game is still on. And my guess wasn't really a guess, just an example so someone could see what I meant by landmark. I pray your reputation hasn't been sullied too much by visiting this blog. I feel like Mr. Collins to your Lady Catherine enjoying your condescension and patronage (in the early 19th century British way)
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